about La desestiba
On a country walk one cold Sunday morning, by chance, I came across an abandoned house that
happened to belong to an artist who passed away almost half a century ago.
The experience of going through the rooms and the remains of what his life was moved me to the
point of obsessing over the idea of knowing his identity, which involved two years of research,
visits, hundreds of photographs and a large archive of recovered objects.
The creative process was derived from the purpose of honoring his memory to a kind of tribute
to the generic figure of the forgotten artist, through the intervention of those objects rescued from
vandalism and time.
Originally conceived as an exhibition proposal where photographs and sculpture coexisted, the huge accumulated photographic material and the need to unify these two years of work in a proposal narrative led me to explore the possibilities of the photobook.
This is divided into two parts: the first, where photographs predominate in black and white, it
shows the house and the workshop through its different dependencies as they were found, with
precarious photographic means, light limitations and other spontaneous marauders lagging.
Second, mainly carried out through study, show some recovered objects, intervened, or creations
derived from these. Page by page a portrait is being built, a kaleidoscopic of the artist in which
the difference between the real and the sublimated is blurred.
The book is completed with a series of tangible elements to influence the relevance of the
materiality of the objet trouvé and its concept as a vehicle memory container, all collected in
austere cardboard that in a sense resembles experience referenced by the title of the book (unstowage).